In my free time...

Hello people!
I’m going to talk about activities I like to do in my free time. Among them I like draw comic of songs but in the last time I don’t make this activity because I don’t have much time, but for now I selected some songs for I will draw when have more time.  Other activity is make “memes”, this is very funny and I enjoy make this with my sister we have a great sense of humor. And one of my future projects I will be start write scripts more professional, because now I make scripts but I think this first scripts not very good.
I don´t like say this but is true really don´t have much time for make my favorites activities but I think is important remember these because I need restart activity like draw, write, etc. on my free time. In general I make these activities in my home because is more relaxed and I can use any space in it. These activities involves for example for draw buy good pencil and good book with appropriate paper. And for write I need only my notebook with much battery. But for the two activities I think the more important is good music.
I really like enjoy make this activities because I can say any things, remember things with the songs, expressed my feels and I think in the future I will share my creations with others persons and they will enjoy this like me.

Thanks for reading!


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